Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/119

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[She goes out quickly.

Margaret, left alone, kneels for a moment with the toys, replaces a few in the box. Then she rises and stands waiting. Mr. Grey comes in, carrying her things.

Mr. Grey : It’s me, Margaret.

Margaret : Yes, darling.

Mr. Grey : I just came over, Margaret. You’d left your umbrella at home and it was looking sort of cloudy, so I thought I’d bring it over.

Margaret : Thank you, darling. It was nice of you to think of it. It’s a fine evening, though. I think I’d like to walk, now I’ve got you to come with me. Is that my coat?

Mr. Grey : Yes, the young lady asked me to bring it. She seemed upset.

Margaret (taking the hat and coat and putting them on) : She’s had a hard time, poor thing.

Mr. Grey (tentatively) : I hope you found your friend better to-day, Margaret?

Margaret : Yes, dear. He’s much better. He’s well again. I shan’t be coming any more. I’ll stay home with you. I’ve been neglecting you. Come along, dear, I’m quite ready.

Mr. Grey (as they go to the door) : It’s a fine house, this, Margaret.

Margaret : Yes, it’s a lovely house.