Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/34

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Frank : No. I brought him home . . . yesterday. The doctor thought it best.

Kitty : And where is he? Not here?

Frank : I left him in London . . . at the Regent Palace Hotel. I thought I had better come down here to prepare you first.

Kitty : Why didn’t you write?

Frank : Well, I . . . I felt it was hardly a matter . . . considering its nature . . . which I could adequately explain in a letter. The shock . . . the incomprehensibility of it all. I thought it best to wait and tell you personally. We only arrived last night.

Kitty : How is he?

Frank : Very silent. He won’t talk. And, I’m afraid, very irritable. He seems to resent all my attempts at conversation. He just sits and broods. Once, last night in the train, he gave vent to an outburst about this Margaret . . . how much he loved her, how he must see her. Since then he’s hardly spoken a word . . . he just sits . . .

Kitty : Thinking . . . thinking of her.

[Her face darkens with jealousy.

Frank : I’m afraid so. . . . It’s terrible for you, Kitty. (He rises and pats her shoulder.) Please believe you have my very deepest sympathy, my dear.

Kitty : I must see him! I must see him!