Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/104

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support, the representatives whom you have just elected are about to repair the disasters caused by the forfeited Government. Compromised industry, suspended labor, paralyzed commercial transactions, will all receive a vigorous impulse.

"To-day the awaited decision on rents—to-morrow, that of payment of bills due.

"All public service re-established and simplified.

"The National Guard reorganized without delay, will remain the only armed force of the city.

"These will be our first acts.

"The elected of the people only wish the confidence of their electors to assure the triumph of the Republic. They will be sure to do their duty.

"La Commune de Paris."

"Hotel de Ville, 29th Mar., 1871.

"The Commune of Paris decrees

"1st. The Conscription is abolished.

"2d. No military force other than the National Guard can be created, or can enter the city.

"All valid citizens will form a part of the National Guard.

"La Commune de Paris."

"Hotel de Ville, 29th Mar., 1871.

"The Commune of Paris

"Considering that labor, industry and commerce have supported all the changes of the war—that it is only just that property should make some sacrifice to the country,


"Art. 1st. A general remission is made to the tenant of the three-quarters rent due October 1870, January 1871, and April 1871.

"Art. 2. Any sum paid by the tenant during these nine months will be deducted from future payments.