Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/135

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was received on the morning of the 10th of April, announcing that his men had occupied Asnières and that the enemy was in flight, adding that his own loss was small, the enemy's great. This was followed by the following announcement:

"April 10.

"The troops have definitely installed themselves in their positions at Asnières. Iron-plated wagons are commencing their operations, and by their movement on the lines of Versailles and Saint-Germain, cover that between Colombes, Garennes, and Courbevoie.

"Our posts at Villiers and Levallois have advanced, and we are in possession of the whole of the northeast part of Neuilly. I have executed with my whole staff a reconnaissance by Levallois, Villiers, and Neuilly, as far as the Rond-point of the Boulevard du Roule, returning by the gate of the Ternes. The situation at the Porte-Maillot is much improved, in consequence of the diminution of the bombardment during the night.

"We have been able to repair the damage caused by the enemy's fire, and we have begun the construction of fresh batteries in front of the gate in question.

"Perfect order prevailed during the night at all the posts; and the rumors about the abandonment of the different positions are only inventions of the reaction, devised for the purpose of demoralizing the population.


According to the Mot d'Ordre, Rochefort's paper, the losses of insurgents at Neuilly bridge amounted to 225 killed and 435 wounded, although officially the insurgents announce only a few wounded, and instead of a defeat a very decided victory. It was easy to be seen from many points in the vicinity of the Arc de Triomphe that the