Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/14

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<poem> CHAPTER IV.

Successful Results obtained by the Committee on the Elections—Small number of Voters—List of the Commune—Delescluze resigns his seat in the Assembly, and becomes Member of the Commune—Ceremony at the Hotel de Ville—Commissioners appointed by the Commune—Proclamations—Decrees—The Red Flag floats from the Tuileries—Absolute Power of the Commune—Sub-Committee of eleven members—Garibaldi—Opinions of the Communist Journals—Post-office Director appointed by the Commune—Imprisonment of Lullier—Situation of Paris—Preparations of the Insurgents—Concentration of their Troops—Plan of Attack—Engagement at Meudon—Chatillon—Sortie by the Porte Maillot—The Insurgents met by the Versailles troops—Bearer of a Flag of Truce shot by the Insurgents—Their precipitate Retreat—Charge of the Gendarmes—False Bulletins of the Commune—Arrival of the Insurgents, commanded by Flourens, at Reuil—Barricades erected in the Streets—Arrival of the Gendarmes and Capture of the Barricades—Utter Rout of the Federals—Search for Flourens—He is discovered and killed—His Aide-de-Camp taken prisoner. 85


Proclamation of the Marquis de Gallifet—Threat of the Communists—Imprisonment of Assi—Grade of General abolished—Dombrowski appointed Commandant of Paris—Attack on Chatillon—Death of General Duval—Decree rendering Military Service obligatory for all men between the ages of nineteen and forty—Pretexts adopted for escape from the City—Rochefort instigates the demolition of M. Thiers' house—Letter of Garibaldi—Decree relative to Prisoners—Cluseret's Report—Note of Paschal Grousset to the Foreign Representatives—Bergeret's Letter—Cap-