Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/17

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  • —Differences of the Commune and Central Committee—Government

Despatch—Decree ordaining the Demolition
of M. Thiers' house—Camp in the Bois de Boulogne—Procession
of Troops at Versailles—Sinking of an Insurgent
Gunboat—Capture of Fort Vanves—Villas in the neighborhood
of Paris plundered by the Insurgents—Threat of
the Communists with regard to Paris—Dissensions of the
Commune—Fall of the Column Vendôme—Its Description—Guns
captured at Vanves presented by a Deputation to
the National Assembly—Marshal de MacMahon's Order of
the Day—Explosion of the Cartridge Manufactory in the
Avenue Rapp—The blame thrown upon the National
Assembly by the Commune—Sacrilege at Notre Dame des
Victoires—Cluseret tried and set at liberty by the Commune—Arrest
of Rochefort at Meaux—His entrance into
Versailles. 223


Porte St. Cloud—Communication of M. Ducatel—Entrance of
the Troops into Paris—Fourth Army Corps—Army of
Reserve—General Ladmirault at the Gates of Passy and
Auteuil—Entrance of General de Cissey—Arrest of Assi—Entrance
of the Troops long unknown in the City—Plan
of Attack—March of the different Corps—Occupation of the
Park Monceaux—Confusion at the Hotel de Ville—Erection
of Barricades—Violent Proclamations—Melancholy
appearance of the City—Deputations to the Hotel de Ville—Orders
given by Delescluze—Evacuation of the Palais
de l'Industrie and Ministry of the Interior—Fighting in
the Faubourg St. Honoré—At the Rue d'Anjou—In the
Boulevard Haussman—Investment of Montmartre—Left
bank of the Seine—Barricades constructed—Manifestation
in favor of the Government. 281