Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/202

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M. Thiers.—"I am glad of this interruption, for it allows me to certify a fact. The army is calumniated by those who say that there are many soldiers in the ranks of the insurgents, as the number, we are certain, is very inconsiderable. Certain of the insurgents had found in the warehouses soldiers' uniforms, and dressed up a great number of their own followers in them, so as to lead the world to believe that the number of troops deserting their duty was important, whereas there were few. (Applause.) There are also several foreigners, and many wretches who watched for every opportunity of creating disorder; but they were isolated, and would not, in the end, find any honest man to follow them. I have need to examine myself when forced to give orders, not cruel, but such as are required by a state of war; and I am sometimes obliged to ask if you think with me—(yes, yes!)—and if reason is really on my side. (Noise on the Right.) If any of my colleagues are ill-disposed enough to prevent me from explaining my ideas, let them put forth their own plans—(applause)—and if they think they are surer of success, let them take my place, which I will readily resign. (No, no; speak, speak.) I feel no want of confidence, but I may be allowed to express my affliction, and indicate the cause of it.

"You may, perhaps, imagine that I preside over the horrors of a civil war with sang-froid. I do so with a firm resolution, but with a sentiment of grief which equals my determination. As to the matter of right, I believe that we are all agreed on the great principles that we defend. (Assent.) This Assembly is the most liberal one that I have ever seen; it is, I confess, more liberal than I am myself. But what do we see arrayed against us? A few odious dictators who dominate a short-sighted and besotted multitude, and lead it under fire. Yes—the right is with you; and against you there is only a detested