Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/210

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"You go to protest thus against homicidal balls and fratricidal bullets, in the name of right and of universal peace. (Unanimous bravos, and shouts of Vive la République! Vive la Commune!)

"You go to stretch out to the men of Versailles a disarmed hand—disarmed, but only for the moment—and we, the mandataries of the people and the defenders of its rights; we, the elected by vote—we wish to join ourselves with you—the elected by ordeal in this fraternal act. (New applause: Vive la Commune! Vive la République!)

"The Commune had decided to choose five of its members who should have the honor to accompany you, and it was proposed that this honor should be drawn for by lot. Five favored names were thus designed to follow you, to accompany you in this glorious, victorious act. (Marks of approbation.)

"Your act, citizens, will remain in the history of France and of humanity.

"Long live the Universal Republic!"

(Loud cries of "Vive la Commune!" "Vive la République!")

The Citizen Beslay, member of the Commune:—"Citizens, I have associated myself, as you have done, with the words we have just heard, with those fraternal words which have caused all the Freemasons to assemble here.

"Fate was not favorable to me yesterday, when the name of those members of the Commune who should go to receive the Freemasons, were drawn. We wished that the names should be drawn by lot, as from the very beginning the whole Commune of Paris wished to take part in this great manifestation; I had not the honor of being designated, but I asked, nevertheless, to go before you as senior of the Commune of Paris, and also of the Freemasonry of France, of which I have had the honor to be a member during fifty-six years.