Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/235

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Europe the judge in a civil war, and in soliciting a European verdict, which could not but condemn Frenchmen. It is necessary at any price to avoid foreign intervention, and it would be peurile to demand the character of belligerent when the Commune de facto possesses it. The verdict of Europe and the world has been given. No one can reproach the Commune and its defenders with having committed a single act which is not in harmony with the usages of war among civilized nations. We wage war honorably; we do not employ any means which we cannot publicly avow; we do not disguise police agents and gendarmes in the garb of troops of the line; we do not bombard women and children; we do not load our guns with incendiary bombs, or our rifles with steel-pointed balls; we do not summarily execute prisoners."

The members approved of the response of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The official journal also published a decree declaring that political and professional oaths should be abolished. Also one appointing Citizen Henry Director of the Organization and Movements of the Ministry of War; and one to Colonel Wetzel, at Issy, as follows:

"Citizen:—You have several times addressed applications for reinforcements, either to the military commandant at the Hotel de Ville, or to the commander of the seamen, without sending through your direct chief, the General La Cecilia, or even through the Delegate of War. That mode of acting, altogether irregular, forces me to withdraw from you your command. You will return to Paris, and place yourself at my orders, after taking the directions of your superior officer for giving up your service.

"Salutation and Fraternity,
