Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/238

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interdicts in all parts of France the sale of any journal which defends the principles of the revolution represented by the Commune;

"Considering that the journals the Petit Moniteur, the Bon Sens, the Petite Presse, the Petit Journal, the France and the Temps, excite to civil war in each of their numbers, and that they are the most active auxiliaries of the enemy of Paris and of the Republic,


"Art. 1. The journals above mentioned are suppressed.

"Art. 2. Notification of the present decree will be given to each of the journals and their printers, who will be responsible for all further publications. Citizen Le Moussu, Commissaire of the Delegations, is charged with the execution of the present decree.

"F. Cournet,

"The Member of the Commune, Delegate of Public Safety."

"Paris, 16 Floreal, year 79.

"Committee of Public Safety:

"Considering that the House known under the name of Chapelle Expiatoire of Louis XVI is a prominent insult to the first revolution, and a perpetual protestation of the reaction against the justice of the people,


"Art. 1. That the chapel called Expiatory shall be destroyed.

"Art. 2. The material shall be sold to the public for the profit of the Administration of Public Lands.

"Art. 3. The Director of Public Lands will cause to be executed the present decree within eight days.

"Ant. Arnaud, Ch. Gerardin, Léo Meillet,
"Felix Pyat, Ranvier—The Committee
"of Public Safety."