Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/295

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December the Emperor, wrapped in his cloak, visits the advanced posts; it is the anniversary of his coronation, and the soldiers light pine torches till the whole camp is illuminated.

"High up the column began the series of bas-reliefs in which its climbing glories culminated. The sun of Austerlitz rises, and the Emperor was to be seen seated on horseback giving orders to the Marshals and Generals. A furious cavalry charge breaks a column of the enemy's infantry, captive Generals surrender their swords and Oudinot's footguards drive a body of Russians into the icy lake of Augerd. In the next scene the battle is won, the Emperor of Austria has craved an interview, and is asking his bon frère to grant an armistice. Further on still French soldiers carry off cannon and other arms from the Vienna Arsenal. Talleyrand arrives at Presburg to negotiate the treaty, which is signed by Napoleon the day after Christmas-day. St. Mark's Lion and some richly-decorated gondolas denote the cession of the Venetian States, the Electors of Bavaria and Würtemberg receive their Crowns, the Imperial Guard enter France bearing captured standards, the Emperor returns to Paris, and passes under the Arc de Triomphe, a car laden with spoils of war follows, and, last of all, hundred-voiced Fame proclaims the high deeds of the campaign of 1805, while old Seine, reclining on his flood, listens to the story of so many glorious battles."

At the same time the insurgents were committing the insensate and odious crime of overthrowing the Vendôme Column, another public fête was taking place in Versailles similar to the preceding one. The cannon captured at Vânves were being presented to the National Assembly. The President, M. Grévy, harangued the soldiers. Marshal de MacMahon complimented the engineers, and issued