Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/321

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persons composing it, and at the final struggle they had entirely disappeared. The Committee of Public Safety chiefly employed its time in issuing a variety of proclamations. The following appeal was made to the National Guards:

"Paris, May 22, 1871.

"Rise up, patriotic citizens!

"To the barricades! The enemy is within our walls! No hesitation!

"Forward, for the Republic, the Commune, and Liberty!

"To arms!

"Ant. Arnaud, Billioray, Eudes, Gambon,
Ranvier—Committee of Public Safety."

To the assailants, the following was addressed:

"Paris, May 22.

"Soldiers of the Army of Versailles:

"The people of Paris can never believe that you will direct your arms against them, when their breasts touch yours. On the contrary, your arms will shrink from such an act, which would be positive fratricide.

"Like us, you are proletaires; and like us, you have an interest in not allowing to the conspiring monarchists the right to drink your blood as they profit by the sweat of your brow.

"The course which you followed on the 18th of March you will repeat once more, and the people will not have the affliction of fighting against men whom they regard as brothers, and whom they would be only too delighted to behold seated with themselves at the civic banquet of Liberty and Equality.

"Come to us, therefore, brothers! Come to us! Our embrace is ready for you!

"Ant. Arnaud, Billioray, Eudes, Gambon,
Ranvier—Committee of Public Safety."