Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/350

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Orders were given to one of the men to empty, as soon as all had gone, the vessels of petroleum near the ammunition. The man was fortunately somewhat the worse for drink, and while seeking for some rope or tow to communicate the fire to the combustible material, he was accosted by the superintendent-in-chief of the hotel, who, partly by argument and partly by threats, induced him to abandon his undertaking.

In the Rue St. Florentin, a cantinière while requisitioning linen, sugar, and wine from the concierge of one of the houses, said to him on leaving, "Take care of yourself, for all this quarter is to be burnt to ashes." This proved too true with regard to the Ministry of Finance, which was set on fire in the morning. All day long pieces of blackened paper, débris from the archives of the city, were wafted through the air, showering down in the streets, and in many cases falling far out in the country.

The following order was found on the body of an insurgent killed fighting in the Rue Castiglione:

| MINISTÈRE Paris, le 18 |
|de la Guerre. |
| —- |
| CABINET Cabinet du Ministre |
|du ministre. de la Guerre. |
| —- |
| |
| Au citoyen Lucas|
| |
| Faites de suite flamber Finances et |
| venez nous retrouver. |
| |
| Timbre: 4 Prairial, an. 79. |
| Ministere |