Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/367

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"Paris, May 18, 1871.

"Received from Citizen Libmann, 12 Rue Lavoisier, the sum of five thousand francs, amount of the sale, for the benefit of the Commune, of the following objects:

2 boxes (church-silver).
1 " (silver-gilt).
1 pyx "
1 censer, holy-water sprinkler, etc. (silver).

All ornaments of the church, such as albs, chasubles, in a word, all the linen, missals, and crosses.

For the Director of Domains.



This was not all. The material was saved, but there remained the monument M. Libmann did not hesitate, but opened immediately new negotiations, to which the Citizen Fontaine, enticed by the five thousand francs already paid, lent himself with all the good grace of which he was capable.

The following estimate was the result of these negotiations:


Estimate of the Value of Materials.
                                               fr. c.
Masonry 818,480 20
Granite 39,702 00
Marble 16,480 00
Metals (copper, lead) 12,403 10
Woodwork 2,830 00
Iron 32,900 00
Sculpture on the building 15,000 00
Artistic sculpture (2 groups, bas-relief) 150,000 00
Two stands for holy water 1,000 00
Two altars 1,500 00
Furniture of the church 50,000 00
Chasublery 15,000 00
Sacred vessels 50,000 00
                                           1,200,295 30