Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/383

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  • lery, and they employed petroleum to ensure their frightful

conflagration. (Movement.) Early this morning we took the Place de la Concorde, the Place Vendôme, and the Tuileries, but that palace was only a heap of ruins. (Explosion of horror.) Fortunately, owing to the energy of General Douay, and the exertions of the men under him, the flames were prevented from reaching the Louvre; such, at least, is what I gather from a hurried despatch just received from that brave officer, so that this additional severe trial will, I trust, be spared us. But that is not all; at the present moment the Hotel de Ville is on fire. (Great agitation.) However that may be, the Communists are surrounded; they are all endeavoring to withdraw, so that this evening the rebellion will be completely vanquished. Unfortunately it has remained, even after its military defeat, in possession of our monuments, and has not been satisfied with using petroleum for their destruction, but has sent shells prepared with that same substance against our soldiers, fourteen of whom have been struck by such missiles. (Loud marks of reprobation.)

"Our first duty in opposing this insurrection is to preserve our coolness of judgment and remain united, as otherwise we shall not be able to succeed. We shall, first of all, have to terminate our victory, which result will be arrived at to-morrow; and next we must beware of consenting to anything that could at this moment weaken the army and the Government. (Applause.) After what I have already done, no one can doubt of that which I shall still accomplish. The criminals shall be punished according to law, but implacably, as is called for by public feeling. (Hear, hear.) As to the exercise of the right of indulgence or pardon, I propose that that privilege shall be vested in the hands of the National Assembly. (Movement.) Therefore, as soon as the military operations have terminated, justice will pursue her