Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/434

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of philosophical indifference often to be observed among the followers of this trade, or rather perhaps from the decline which the reign of the Commune had brought upon this industry, not so wretched a one as is generally imagined. It was, in fact, to be remarked during the first siege of Paris, and after the 18th of March, that there was quite a scarcity of rags on the Parisian pavements, and the rag-pickers, always enemies of chimeras and declamations, had doubtless borne a grudge against the Commune.

Be that as it may, the barricades of the Rue Mouffetard were feebly defended, and the Gobelins carried without too vigorous an effort. But the insurgents, in abandoning this magnificent establishment of so national a character, delivered it as a prey to the flames. In a few moments the tapestry and looms of the work-shops were destroyed, and the saloon of designs and sculptures, and the precious collection of the most remarkable tapestries executed from the seventeenth century down to our time, were reduced to ashes. This act, as well as the burning of the docks, was a direct outrage on labor, whose intelligent workmanship had been so directly manifested in these magnificent productions.

The regular forces advanced without interruption, pushing back the National Guards to the Barrière d'Italie, where they dispersed on all sides, leaving numerous prisoners. The troops then re-descended the boulevard to the Austerlitz Bridge, rejoining the left wing of General de Cissey's corps, which had advanced along the quays of the left bank of the Seine, and had, after a succession of vigorous engagements, taken possession of the Bridges des Saints-Pères, Pont Neuf, Saint-Michel, and Notre Dame. They then established themselves at the Jardin des Plantes and the Orleans Railway Station, having left sufficient force behind to secure their rear and to co-operate in the taking of the Hotel de Ville.