Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/450

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He was led immediately to the Rue de Bercy, in the court of the municipal dépôt of paving stones, and shot forthwith.

Before his execution he boasted of having caused thirty refractory National Guards to be shot, and of having himself drowned the agent Vincentini in the previous month of March.

While the Divisions Faron and Bruat were attacking the Austerlitz Bridge, the Division Vergé (3d of the army of reserve) advanced by the Rues Saint-Paul, Charles V., De la Cerisaie, and proceeding through the houses of the Rue Saint Antoine, carried the barricade of the Rue Castex and debouched on the Place de la Bastille. There they encountered a most violent resistance, rendered still more serious by the conflagration of the Grenier d'Abondance and of the houses situated around the Place.

The following concise document was afterwards found in one of the mairies of Paris:

"République Française.
"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

 "Ville de Paris, "Mairie of the XI Arrondissement.

"I have set fire to the Grenier d'Abondance.

"Artillery magnificent.

"Resistance good.

"C. Ulric,

"Chief of the 18th Legion.

"May 25, 1871."

Beside this document we may place another of equal chronological interest. It is the last despatch addressed to the Citizen Delescluze by his colleague Ferré, of the Prefecture of Police: