Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/473

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"In Belgium.

"I do Belgium that honor.

"I offer an asylum in Brussels.

"I offer an asylum, Place des Barricades, No. 4.

"If a vanquished of Paris; if a man of the reunion called Commune, which was very little elected by Paris, and which, for my part, I never approved—if one of these men, were he my personal enemy, above all if he is my personal enemy, knocks at my door, I open. He is in my house. He is inviolable.

"Am I, perhaps, a stranger in Belgium? I think not. I feel myself the brother of all men and the guest of all people.

"In any case, a fugitive of the Commune in my house will be a vanquished at the home of a proscribed man; the vanquished of to-day with the proscribed of yesterday.

"I do not hesitate to say, two venerable things.

"One weakness protecting another.

"If a man is beyond the pale of the law, let him enter my house. I defy any one to tear him away.

"I am speaking of political men.

"If any one comes to my house to take a fugitive of the Commune, they will take me also. If he is given up, I will follow him. I will share his seat. And for the defence of right, by the side of the man of the Commune, vanquished by the Assembly of Versailles, will be seen the man of the Republic, proscribed by Bonaparte.

"I will do my duty. Above all, principles.

"One word more.

"What can certainly be affirmed is, that England will not deliver up the refugees of the Commune.

"Why place Belgium below England?

"The glory of Belgium is to be an asylum. Do not take from her that glory.