Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/500

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"3d. That of the South, comprising all the left bank, that is, the V, VI, VII, XIII, XIV and XV Arrondissements, under the orders of General de Cissey, commanding the Second Army Corps; headquarters at the Luxembourg.

"4th. That of the Centre, comprising the I, II, III and IV Arrondissements, under the orders of General Douay, commanding the Fourth Army Corps; headquarters Place Vendôme.

"According to Article 7 of the law of 1849, relative to the state of siege, all the powers possessed by the civil authorities for the maintenance of order and the police pass entirely into the hands of the military authorities.

"De MacMahon, Duc de Magenta,
"Marshal of France, Commander-in-Chief."

On the same day, May 30th, the commandery of the North-West gave the first sign of life, in repressing energetically attempts on the public security. General Ladmirault caused the following notice to be placed on the walls:


"Headquarters of the Elysee, May 30th, 1871.

"Isolated shots are now and then fired from houses situated in different quarters on the right bank.

"The General commanding in chief the First Army Corps informs the inhabitants that any house from which a shot is fired will be immediately the object of a military execution.

"The military authority will not flinch from any rigorous measure which will tend to establish security in the streets of the capital, order and peace in the country. It has a right to count on the concurrence of all good citizens."

On the 30th, another law was passed, ordering all cafés, restaurants and wine-shops to be closed at eleven o'clock.