Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/542

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after balancing it three or four times over the parapet, flung it into the Seine.

Varlin, Delegate of Finances, accused of having participated in the burning of the Ministry of Finance, was shot at Montmartre, in the Rue des Rosiers, at the same place where the Generals Lecomte and Clement-Thomas were assassinated.

Jourde, the successor of Varlin as Delegate to the Finances, was arrested May 31st on the Quai d'Orsay, by two agents of the police.

The former minister had taken refuge in a house which stood close by the still smoking ruins of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations.

When arrested by the two agents of police, who said, "You are the Citizen Jourde?" Jourde replied—" I? never in the world! My name is Roux. I am known in my quarter. Look here! take me to the Marie of the 7th Arrondissement to see the Adjoint M. Hortus; he used to be my schoolmaster, and will recognize me perfectly."

The agents conducted the individual pretending to be Roux to the Mairie in the Rue de Grenelle. They were introduced into the cabinet of M. Hortus, whose honesty and goodness are proverbial.

"Good morning, M. Hortus; do you remember me? I am Roux, your former pupil," said Jourde.

M. Hortus rose abruptly, turned very pale, and, as though making a violent effort, replied:

"You are Jourde, and you were never my scholar."

"You are killing me," said Jourde, in a low tone; "I have my poor mother, my wife. . . ."

The Adjoint was inflexible; the Delegate to the Finances was imprisoned in the Mairie, and word was sent to Marshal de MacMahon, who caused him to be brought to his headquarters.