Page:The Rise and Fall on the Paris Commune in 1871.djvu/544

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  • hearted and intemperate. A woman was never refused

anything by the civil delegate.

In the last days, however, this citizen, considered so soft and pliable, became truly ferocious.

At the barricade of the Rue du Petit-Carreau, he blew out the brains of a volunteer of the 10th battalion, and ran away after the first shot.

In the Rue des Amandiers, a, young girl belonging to the ambulances deplored the fate of the unfortunate victims of the civil war; by order of the delegate she was instantly shot.

At La Roquette be caused eight convalescent soldiers to be shot for refusing to march.

As victory became more and more impossible, he became, under the impression of the fear which maddened him, a very cannibal in delirium. Some time before the end of the struggle, he withdrew as fast as his horse could carry him to the stronghold of Vincennes.

"Kill every one as you fall back," was the order given by this bandit to the "Avengers of the Republic."

At Vincennes, Johannard was not reassured; even in this citadel he dreamed of snares of every kind. By his orders, the chapel was thoroughly searched, and the old fortress explored with minute care, but neither Johannard nor his associates had courage to descend into the vaults below.

At the first cannon-shot, the delegate of the 2d Arrondissement disappeared, and it was only after a long search that he was found behind the arsenal, hidden under a heap of broken gun-carriages.

Two hours later he was shot in one of the ditches which surround the fort.

General La Cecilia, his associate, was for some time reported to have been shot in like manner at Vincennes. This news has, however, since proved false, and was prob-