Page:The Road to Wellville (1926).djvu/58

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The Road to Wellville

It gives them the milk they need, a flavor they immediately like, warmth to cheer their small bodies on the way to school, and there is no more begging for “the drink which father has.” Surely this is the ideal drink for children, in every way!

Hundreds of schools have adopted Instant Postum made with milk, serving it at noontime.

For hot summer days, Iced Postum brings healthful refreshment. It is prepared in the usual way, allowed to cool, then served with cracked ice, sugar, and cream or lemon. An easier way is to dissolve the required amount of Instant Postum in just a little boiling water. This will cool quickly. Then dilute to the usual proportions with cold water, or cold milk, or cream.

A Test Everyone Should MakeRecently, tens of thousands of men and women have made a test which has turned them from the paths of mental depression and physical ills into the broad, straight Road to Wellville. This is the thirty-day Postum test.

It is suggested that you try Postum for a full thirty days, because in a shorter time it is not quite fair to expect the benefits of a change which involves so much. You may be turning from a habit of years’ standing. It is necessary to build up what you have lost, to replace the store of reserve energy which may have been drained low.

So make Postum your mealtime drink for thirty days, then decide, then look, and we think you will see the spires of Wellville shining in the sun!

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