Page:The Rock-cut Temples of India.djvu/11

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About one-half these were scenes of the chase, of Indian life, and illustrations of the Mahometan buildings and of the scenery in the neighbourhood of Ajunta. Of the remaining half, many were duplicates, but those forming the illustrations of the present volume, have been selected as being all those in the collection which could fairly be considered as representing Rock-cut Architecture.

The text which accompanies them is not intended to be a complete and scientific elucidation of the subject. Those who desire fuller information are referred to the works mentioned above: but it is hoped that it is sufficient to render the subject of each Photograph intelligible. This seems to be all that is necessary, for the Photographs tell their own story far more clearly than any form of words that could be devised, and even without the text they form by far the most perfect and satisfactory illustration of the ancient architecture of India which has yet been presented to the Public.


20, Langham Place,
October, 1863.