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THE BOOK OF MORMON.—Orson Pratt's Account of its Origin—Ancient Hebrew Prophecies fulfilled—First Inhabitants of America—Murder of Laban—Theft of his Plates—Migration of Israelites from Palestine to America—The Building of the "Barges"—Lehi and his Sons Jared's Interview with "the Lord"—Difficulties of Navigation—The Wonderful Compass—Bad Ways of the Brethren—Landing in America—Nations founded and Cities built—"Christians" in America One Hundred Years before Christ was born—A Church founded—Persecutions and Preachings—Fearful Signs, Wonders, and Prophecies—Battles between the Nephites and Lamanites—Two Millions of Men slain in one Battle—The Gold Plates hid in the Hill Cumorah—Internal Evidence—Plagiarisms from the New Testament and Shakespeare—Analysis of the Book—The folly of the Mormon Argument upon Evidence, 528

THE PRIESTHOOD IN ZION.—Its Organizations, Apostolic, Judicial, and Political—The Prayers of the Saints—The Surveillance of the Teachers—The Eyes of the Priesthood over all—The Missionaries abroad—The Elders travel "without Purse or Scrip"—How Mormonism is introduced among the Gentiles—Foreign Missions—His Satanic Majesty attacks the Apostles in England—"Devils" attack Brother Heber—Success in Britain—The Emigration to Zion—Baptizing Converts in the Atlantic—The Journey through the States, 556

POLYGAMY IN UTAH.—Preached from the Tabernacle—A Terrible Trial to Women—Degradation of the Sex—Ancient Hebrew Examples adduced—"Living Martyrs" to a Debasing Doctrine—Brigham Young on Polygamy Second and "following" Wives—Marriage Rites among the Mormons—The First Wife is not asked one Question—Impossibility of Happiness in Polygamy, 581

UTAH DURING THE REBELLION.—Change of Federal Officers—Brutal Attack upon Governor Dawson by Mormon Rowdies—Three of them shot—A Rival Prophet to Brigham—The "Morrisite" Community—They disregard a Writ of Habeas Corpus—The Mormon Militia acting as a Posse Comitatus—Three Days' Fighting—The Prophet Morris, his Counsellor Banks, and two Women, killed after the Surrender—Arrival of new Federal Officers—An early Difficulty—Arrival of the California Volunteers—Establishment of Camp Douglas—Brigham defies the Law of Congress, and takes "an Elderly Young Woman" to Wife—The Prophet afraid of Arrest—Citizens summoned to protect him—Chief-Justice Kinney arrests the Prophet for violating the Anti-Polygamic Law—Brigham gives Bail—The Grand Jury find no Evidence that Brigham had married again—Trouble with the Federal Officials—The Mormons invite them to leave the Territory—The Tabernacle and Mormon Press rejoice in the Calamities of the Union—General Connor and the Volunteers a Terror to Evil-Doers—A Midnight Scare—Another False Prophecy—Brigham predicts another Four Years of War only Four Days before General Lee surrendered, 591