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the Saints—"The Lion of the Lord" in his Glory—The Saints listen to the Prophet—His Style of Preaching—The Prophet's Successor—Brigham the Second—Founding a Dynasty—Nepotism greater than Birthright and Priesthood—The Precedent given by Brigham—George A. Smith, Brigham's Rightful Successor—Apostle George Q. Cannon—A Mission to Jerusalem—Influence of the Railroad—Influx of Gentiles—Brigham's Lost Opportunities—Great Wealth of the Prophet—How Brigham balanced his Account with the Church—How the Prophet got rich—The Probable Future of Mormonism at his Death, 646

THE TERRITORY OF UTAH.—Its Boundaries and Character—The Lakes—Superficial Area—The Settlements—Population—Excess of Male Inhabitants—Mules voting for Delegates to Congress!—"Getting up" Petitions—The Militia—The Nauvoo Legion—The Federal Governors—A Stormy Political Meeting—Governor Shaffer's Difficulties—Change of Officers—A Proclamation—Resolute Conduct of the Governor—His Last Official Act—Conflict between Mormon Officials and Federal Officers—Delegate Hooper justifies Polygamy in Congress—Dr. Newman discusses Polygamy with Orson Pratt—Appointment of Chief-Justice McKean—His Legal Decisions—The Hawkins Case—Decisions reserved by the Supreme Court—Brigham's Anxiety for a State Government, 671

SALT LAKE CITY.—Its Situation and Beauty—Its Railway Communication—Water Supply—Great and Increasing Improvement—The Tabernacle—Brigham the Architect of Zion—Inspiring the Prophet with an Idea—The Great Organ—The Tabernacle Services—Results of the Influx of Gentiles—Brigham's Commercial Street—Christian Churches in Utah—Their Work and Influence—The Episcopal Church—Christian Schools—Brigham's Opinion of Gentile Instruction—The Methodist Teacher's Difficulties—Polygamy opposed by Mr. McLeod—The Liberal Institute—Lectures in Zion—Evidences of Prosperity—Progress of Civilization in Utah, 691


THE POTOSI OF THE WEST.—Early Anticipations of the Treasures of Utah—Ore discovered in the Mountains—First Discovery of Argentiferous Galena—Enterprise of General P. E. Connor—The United States Soldiers "prospect" for Mines—Mr. Eli B. Kelsey lectures on the Wealth of Utah—Incorporation of the West Jordan Mining Company—First Srnelting-Furnace erected at Stockton—Rush Valley Smelting Company formed—Waiting for the Railroad—First Shipments of Ore—The Utah Central Railroad—Rich Ores in Ophir District—Silveropolis—Valuable Mines in East Cañon—Colonel E. D. Buel's Works in Cottonwood—Numerous Furnaces erected—Results of Inexperience—First Mill in Utah—Extraordinary Success—Large Shipments of Bullion and Ores—The Emma Mine—Formation of Veins of Ore—The Action of Water and Volcanic Force—Statistics of the Emma Mine—Its Immense Value—Bonanzas—Extraordinary Dividends to Proprietors—Southern Mines—True Fissure-Veins Their Importance—Solfataric Action—The Mineral Springs—The Staples of the Utah