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human beings, and which promises to stand preëminent among the conquests of the republic. It is doubtful whether any collective body of other citizens—unmoved by religious impulses—would ever have traversed the sandy desert and sage-plains, and have lived an age of martyrdom in reclaiming them, as the Mormons have in Utah. But this has been accomplished, and it was accomplished by faith. That was the Providence of the Saints, and it must be conceded that as a means subservient to an end, the Mormon element has been used in the Rocky Mountain region by the Almighty Ruler for developing the best interests of the nation, and for the benefit of the world at large.

Should this work contribute to encourage the feeble, doubting Mormons to persevere in the domain of thought, to cultivate the reflex of the Deity within their own humanity, to trust more to the whisperings of the "still, small voice" than to the dogmas of men; and thus aid the downcast, sorrowing, and oppressed, to reach the peace and happiness of true liberty and manly independence, the Author will feel that his labour has not been in vain.

It will be a matter of sincere regret, if, in the following pages, any statement has been made that is incorrect in fact or unfair in inference; but errors—should there be any—to which attention may be called, will be carefully eliminated from a future edition.