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which is now called Independence is the centre place, and a spot for the Temple is lying westward upon a lot which is not far from the court house."[1]

This revelation is dated, "Zion, July, 1831." In another, given September 22, 1832, it is stated that the place was "appointed by the finger of the Lord," and the gathering of the Saints and the building of the New Jerusalem are again assured. The succeeding history of the Mormons in Missouri exhibits anything but the fulfilment of these promises: on the contrary it relates only the overthrow of the hopes of the unfortunate believers.

The few Saints from Colesville, Broome county, New York, who had been commanded to gather to Ohio and afterwards to Missouri, had now arrived, and on the 2nd of August the foundation of the first house was laid, twelve miles west of Independence, twelve men taking part in laying that foundation in honour of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The land of Zion on that occasion was dedicated unto the Lord by prayer, and on the following day the Temple lot was dedicated in the presence of eighteen men. Next day the first conference was held in the land of Zion. A few days afterwards, Joseph and Sidney left Independence to return to Kirtland, where they arrived on the 27th of August, and immediately afterwards Joseph had an abundant outpouring of revelation.

  1. "Book of Doctrine and Covenants," pp. 165-6, par. 1.