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ablest and best men that ever lived? It is because lawyers in every civilized country have been considered indispensable in the administration of justice, and, as a part of the judicial system of the country, must also be prostrated; it is because they believe that disputes as to the ownership of property should be settled by the courts, and not by brute force.

"And now, gentlemen of the Jury, my task is done. In the name of the people, whom I represent, I thank you for the patience you have exhibited during this protracted examination. I have laboured zealously and to the best of my humble ability to unravel the mystery, but I confess I have failed. We have not been permitted to lift the veil, and show you the perpetrators of this horrible murder—a murder most atrocious in its inception, brutal and cowardly in its execution a crime which in many respects stands without a parallel. But the blood of a pure and honourable man, shed in the streets of your city, calls aloud to Heaven for vengeance, and I trust the cry will be heard and answered; for is it not written that 'whoso sheddeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed?'"



The following is a list of some of the authorities books, pamphlets, essays, etc. which, with innumerable private letters and valuable documents in MS., have been consulted in preparing this work for the press:

Adams, G. J.—Letter to his Excellency John Tyler. New York, 1844.

Address by a Minister of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to the People of the United States. Printed while the Mormons were at Nauvoo.

Amberley, Viscount—The Latter-Day Saints. Fortnightly Review, Nov., 1869.

Authentic History of Remarkable Persons, etc. New York, 1849.

Beadle, J. H.—Life in Utah; or, The Mysteries and Crimes of Mormonism. Philadelphia, 1870.

Bennett, John C.—History of the Saints; or, An Exposé of Joe Smith and Mormonism. Boston, 1842.

Bradford, W. J. A.—The Origin and Fate of Mormonism. Christian Examiner, Sept., 1852.

Brewster, James Colin—An Address to the Church of L. D. S. Springfield, Ill., 1848.

Brigham, Wm. J. The Church of Latter-Day Saints. Old and New, Sept. and Oct., 1870.

Brighamism, its Promises and their Failures. Plano, Ill.

Brigham Young and his Women. Galaxy, Dec. 1, 1866.

Brown, Albert G.—The Utah Expedition. Atlantic Monthly, March, April, and May, 1859.