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Smoot, Elder A. O., Mayor of Salt Lake City, 349-352, 608, 609.

Snow, Eliza R., Secretary of Ladies' Society, and poetess, 191.

— Zerubbabel, Associate - Justice, 275, 278.

— Erastus, 333.

Social Hall, Salt Lake City, 286.

Soda Springs, 368, 606.

Sophronia [or Mary] Huff, 450.

Sorrow, John Calvin, 455.

South, the, 46, 212, 307; prophecy of rebellion in, 44; rebellion, 610.

South Pass, 330.

Southern California, 353.

Southey, Robert, the poet, strange passage from, 89.

Spanish Fork, 432, 464.

Spaulding, Solomon, 208, 508, 543.

Speech extraordinary of General Clark, 110.

Spencer, Augustine, 156.

— Orson, 266.

— Daniel, 333, 335, 339, 341, 342.

Spiritualism and Joseph Smith, 66, 508, 520-522, 546, 551, 552, 631, 632, 636, 641.

Springfield, 140, 215.

Springfield, speech of Senator Douglas at, 347.

Spring Hill, 77.

Springville, 801, 403, 404, 407-409, 432, 462, 463, 465.

Springville, murder at, 459.

Squatter sovereignty, 347.

Staines, Elder W. C., Superintendent of Emigration, 391.

Stakes of Zion, 695, 696. (Vide Zion.)

Stanley, Mr., 102.

Stansbury, Captain Howard, 272.

Stanton, Secretary, 592, 601.

Star office destroyed, 46, 49.

Star. (Vide Millennial.)

Stenhouse, Elder T. B. H., disfellowshipped, 639.

Steptoe, Lieutenant-Colonel E. J., 364.

Stewart, J. M., 463, 465, 467.

— William, 444.

— Riley, 80.

Stiles, Judge George P., 280, 282, 283, 285, 307.

Stoddard, Judson L., 598.

Stores destroyed, 422.

Strang, Elder James, 185, 212.

Strickland, Obed, Associate-Justice of Utah, 442, 684.

Sunday-Schools in S. L. C., 704, 705.

Sunderland, La Roy, 351.

Sunderland, Dr., of Washington, 682.

Sun-Dial, the [John E. Page], 128, 273.

Surveys in Utah, 671.

Sweetwater, the, 320, 329, 331, 337, 368.

TABERNACLE, Salt Lake City, 125, 182, 280, 294, 299, 300, 303, 305, 332, 339, 372, 374-376, 379, 380, 384, 392, 397, 400, 415, 420, 462, 473, 485, 486, 546, 561, 586, 601-610, 627, 634, 638, 641, 642, 644, 651, 666, 693-697, 701 ; discourses in, 359, 361, 610, 624, 641, 695-697, 711; O. Pratt in, 493; discussion in, 682.

Table Mountain, 273.

Taggit, William, 450.

Taos, 380.

Taylder, T. W. P., author of "The Mormon's Own Book," 698.

Taylor [Champion of Right], Apostle John, 128, 150, 157, 166, 169, 170, 174, 194, 195, 204, 236, 241, 248, 263, 264, 333, 339-341, 357, 359, 364, 365, 664.

— Leonora, 191.

— Steve, 336.

— President Zachary, 249, 276, 277, 280, 361, 557.

Telegraph, The Salt Lake, 612, 638.

Temple, The, 108, 266, 478; to be reared, 38; revelation on, 38; at Independence, 120; in Kirtland, 49, 61-63; dedication of, 63; in Nauvoo, 123; foundation of, 136, 137, 140-146, 174; completing of, 217, 221; finished, 223; dispute whether finished, 224-226, 480, 505; in Salt Lake City, 670, 697, 698.

— Block, 260.

Tenant, Mr., an emigrant, 335.

Territorial Legislature, 276, 282.

— Marshal, 684.

Territory, of Utah, Organic Act of, 281.

Terry, Partial, 405.

Testament, Old, inspired translation of, 45.

Texas, 364.

Theocracy, Mormon, 668, 675, 681.

Theodule Devéria, 516. (Vide Devéria and Book of Abraham.)

Theological Institute, 300.

Thompson, Robert B., 129.

— Thornton, 444.

Times, The London, 321.

Times and Seasons, 79, 136, 137, 190, 199, 200, 211, 212, 474, 519.

Timpanogos, 272.

Tithing, 266, 416, 456, 57&, 623, 698.

— Office, 651, 654.

Titus, Chief-Justice, 617, 621, 683.

Tom Corwin's story, 614.

Tompkins, Judge, 117.

Tongues, gift of, 650. (Vide Gifts.)

Tooele, 268.

Trains, United States, burning of, 868.