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tions." They contributed their mites and their labour, and by the 27th of March, 1836, "the House of the Lord" was so far finished as to admit of dedication.

It was no Solomon's Temple, but, for the few Saints who reared it, it was a commanding building. In those days "the Lord" had to do everything, so that this house was not built up "after the manner of the world," and he commanded that "the size thereof shall be fifty and five feet in width, and let it be sixty-five feet in length, in the inner court thereof." The Prophet having given the general outline, the Temple went up and was reported to be finished in this fashion:

The Temple at Kirtland, Ohio.[1]

"Outside dimensions sixty feet in width and eighty feet in length; its height from the ground to the top of the eaves, about fifty feet; from the basement forty-four, giving two stories of twenty-two feet each, besides an attic story in the roof for school rooms. It was lighted by thirty gothic, three Venetian, two dormer, one circular, and two square gable windows. The dome of the steeple was one hundred and ten feet high, and the bell about ninety feet from the ground."

The internal divisions were arranged for the gradations of Priesthood: the west end of the lower, court to the Melchise-

  1. The Saints, under the leadership of the eldest son of the Prophet, are now negotiating for the possession of the Temple. It has a wonderful hold upon the faith of all Saints.