Page:The Roman index of forbidden books.djvu/6

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Putnam. Techny, Ill. Society of the Divine Word. 10 cents.

"Censorship of Books" and "Prohibited Books," articles by Rev. Jos. Hilgers, S.J., in the Catholic Encyclopedia.

An English translation of the Constitution "Officiorum ac munerum" is contained in The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII, with Preface by Rev. John J. Wynne, S.J. New York, Benziger Bros. $2.00.

Francis S. Betten, S.J.

St. Ignatius College,
Cleveland, O.

A short summary of this book, entitled, "Ten Elementary Questions Concerning the Roman Index of Forbidden Books," is published by the Society of the Divine Word, Techny Ill. (5 cents.) It will be found serviceable for distribution in clubs and societies, for sale at the church doors, and for supplementing the religious instruction in the higher classes of educational institutions.