Page:The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton.djvu/816

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Boulogne, life at, 40 et seq. 555; last visit to, 691
Brazil, 244 et seq.
—— Emperor and Empress of, 259
British Association meeting at Bath, 1864, 228
Bull-fight at Lisbon, a, 233
Būlow, Madame von, 552
Burton, Captain St. George, 747
Byculla, races at, 576

Cameron, Captain Verney Lovett, 631, 635
Candahar, 624
Carnival at Venice, 114
Carthage, 694
Cazalem, 597, 599
Cenis, Mont, ascent of, 117
Chambord, Comte de (Henri V.), 113, 115, 610
Chamounix, 124
Chavannes, Comtcsse de, 115
Cheron, Chevalier de St., 113
Chillon, 130
Citta Vecchia, 535
Clarendon, Lord, 352, 513, 623}
Clifford, Isabel, 14
Constable, Sir Clifford and Lady, 157
Copsey, Mr. Charles, 284
Crawford, Rev. John, 522
Cruz, Santa, 198

Dahomé, King of, 226
Damascus, 372, 375
Dead Sea, 4S3
Derby, Lord, 230, 508, 623, 693; and Lady, 746
Digby, Hon. Jane, El Mezráb, 393
—— Lord, 393, 395
Dublin, 229
Dudley, Georgina Lady, 545

Eastbourne, 768
Eldridge, Consul-General, 520
Ellenborough, Lady, 389, 393, 459, 507
Elliot, Sir Henry, 493, 522; letter to Lady Burton, 516
Elphinstone Point, 593
Entre Rios, 275
Eu, Comte and Comtesse d', 258
Extreme Unction, Sacrament of, administered to Sir Richard Burton, 702, 706

Fernando Po, 175
Fisherwomen of Boulogne, the, 44
Fitzgerald, Mrs., 15, 634, 746, 750, 767, 769
Fiume, 546
Florence, 110, 5,4
Frankel, Rev. E. B., 522
Funchal, 189
Furze Hall, 17

Geneva, 120
Genoa, 102
Gerard, Elizabeth, 14
—— Lord, 8, 183, 355, 689
—— Monica Lady, 173
Germany, the Empress Frederick of, 545
Ghazis, the, 410
Ghazzeh, 636, 638
Gibraltar, 681
Giram, Cape, 193