Page:The Rosciad - Churchill (1761, 2nd edition).djvu/14

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Then came drum, trumpet, hautboy, fiddle, flute; 205
Next, snuffer, sweeper, shifter, soldier, mute:
Legions of angels all in white advance;
Furies, all fire, come forward in a dance:
Pantomine figures then are brought to view,
Fools, hand in hand with fools, go two by two. 210
Next came the treasurer of either house;
One with full purse, t'other with not a sous.

Behind a group of figures awe create,
Set off with all th' impertinence of state;
By lace and feather consecrate to fame, 215
Expletive kings and queens without a name.

Here H–v—d, all serene, in the same strains,
Loves, hates, and rages, triumphs and complains;
His easy vacant face proclaim'd an heart
Which could not feel emotions, nor impart. 220
With him came mighty D———s:———On my life,
That D———s hath a very pretty wife!——
Statesman all over!———In plots famous grown!——
He mouths a sentence, as———ours mouth a bone.

Next, H–ll—nd came.—With truly tragic stalk, 225
He creeps, he flies.———An heroe should not walk.
As if with Heav'n he warr'd, his eager eyes
Planted their batteries against the skies: