Page:The Rosciad - Churchill (1761, 2nd edition).djvu/34

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Just his conceptions, natural and great:
His feelings strong, his words enforc'd with weight. 670
Was speech-fam'd Q—n himself to hear him speak,
Envy would drive the colour from his cheek:
But step-dame Nature, niggard of her grace,
Deny'd the social pow'rs of voice and face.

Fix'd in one frame of features, glare of eye, 675
Passions, like Chaos, in confusion lie:
In vain the wonders of his skill are try'd
To form Distinction Nature hath deny'd.

His voice no touch of harmony admits,
Irregularly deep and shrill by fits: 680
The two extremes appear, like man and wife,
Coupled together for the sake of strife.

His Action's always strong, but sometimes such
That Candour must declare, he acts too much.
Why must Impatience fall three paces back? 685
Why paces three return to the attack?
Why is the right leg too forbid to stir,
Unless in motion semicircular?
Why must the Heroe with the Nailor vie,
And hurl the close-clench'd fist at nose or eye? 690
