Page:The Rover Boys on the Ocean.djvu/172

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"Then that means that they wish to take me quite a distance!" cried Dora, and ran on deck.

Mumps and Baxter were talking earnestly together near the bow. At once she ran to them.

"Where is my mother?"

"You'll see her soon," answered the former bully of Putnam Hall.

"It was another trick of yours!" burst out Dora. "And I—I think you gave me something last night to make me sleepy."

"What if we did?" came from Mumps. "You are all right now."

"I do not want to go another step with you." Dora looked around and saw a strange boat passing. "Help! help!" she screamed.

At once there was another row, in which not only the boys, but also Bill Goss and his wife, took a hand. In the end poor Dora was marched to the cabin and put under lock and key.

If the girl had been disheartened before, she was now absolutely downcast.

"They have me utterly in their power!" she moaned over and over again. "Heaven alone knows where they will take me!" And then she sank down on her knees and prayed that God might see her safely through her perils.

Her prayer seemed to calm her, and she felt that