Page:The Royal Family of France (Henry).djvu/20

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The Royal Family of France.

II. The Royal Family of France.

Henri V.

(Comte de Chambord, Due de Bordeaux).

The lawful King of France, born 29th September, 1820. H. R. H. the Comte de Chambord succeeded to the Throne as Henri V. on the abdication of his Royal grandfather, King Charles X., on 2nd August, 1840. His Royal Highness is without issue.


(Comte de Paris).

Heir-Expectant. His Royal Highness Louis, Comte de Paris, born 24th August, 1838, is the eldest son of Ferdinand Philippe, Duke d'Orléans (eldest son of King Louis-Philippe and Queen Marie-Ame'lie), by Helena, Princess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin; and has issue. His Royal Highness's eldest son and heir is Prince Louis- Philippe, Duke d'Orléans, a pupil at the College Stanislas (Paris). H. R. H. the Comte de Paris passed his youth in exile, and is a thorough master of Constitutional and Military science and of all the great social problems. His Royal Highness's intelligence, labours, and devotion fit him for the first place in the Royal House of France, after H. R. H. the Comte de Chambord. May the day be long distant ere H. R. H. the Comte de Paris can be King of France; but if ever His Royal Highness does wear the Crown, he will never disgrace the Throne, for few Frenchmen in the records of French History have been born with such mental gifts and such promising signs of a happy reign as the present Heir-Apparent to the French Crown.

Royal Princes and Princesses.

I. His Royal Highness Robert, Duke de Chartres, only brother to the Comte de Paris. His Royal Highness has issue; and His Royal Highness's eldest son and heir is Prince Henri d'Orléans, a pupil also at the College Stanislas. H. R. H. the Duke de Chartres (the present Colonel commanding the 12th Chasseurs a