Page:The Royal Family of France (Henry).djvu/44

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The Royal Family of France.

their chiefs should invite in a legal warfare. Many signs, precursors of evil days, show that France is drifting into a dangerous position where, placed between an umbrageous and threatening enemy without, and an anarchical demagogy or a Jacobin dictatorship within, she may find no way of escape.

It is no longer a time for illusory optimism. The King's party alone can once more save France from this despairing alternative, by seizing the reins of government; and it cannot accomplish this without shock or commotion unless the majority vote for it. The great electioneering struggles are still in the distance; but how can people better prepare for them than by striving to gain partial and local victories?

The senatorial voters of Finisterre offered a good example of energy and patriotism to the whole Monarchical party the other day, both their candidates being elected. Without delay Conservative and Liberal Monarchists must valiantly and boldly unfurl the standard of Order and Liberty through the Monarchy, and bear it onward and onward to triumphal victory. The defeat of the Montagne will easily cause many to falter in their allegiance to the Republic! The success of the King's followers, on the other hand, will restore courage and decision to the timorous and the vacillating, in proving to them that "Where there's a will there's a way." Let them only fear God and honour their King!