Page:The Salt Lake Tribune 16 March 1911.djvu/4

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Burlington Now Advertises Re- sources of City and State ANNOUNCES TOURIST RATES ON ATTRACTIVE SCHEDULE New Arrangement Expected to Add Thousands to Passen- gers Coming Hitherward. I- - . Tho Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy. one of tho big mil lines, Is the latest rail-- . road to enter tho field in boosting Utah. For the Inst two or three months ninny of the advertisements of the rotul have hud mention of Salt Lake City and Utah In order to Induce patrops of that, line to visit this city and state, despite the ' fact that tho greater Interests of tho Hill lines Ho in another soctlon of the coun-- 1 A meeting of the officers of the Bur- lington was held In Chicago Tuesday at which the matter of tourist rates for Utah was discussed. As a result of the meeting a telegram was received by R F. Xeslcn, general agent for the road in Salt City, from U V. Wnkeley. general passenger agent. The dispatch announced that the Bur -li nirt- had decided upon a tourist rate from Chicago and Missouri river points to Suit Lake City. The rate from Uil-c ag - o for .round -- trip tickets will be 5I- -. and from Missouri river points touched by the Burlington the rate will ho ?30.a0. 'The first selling date for tourist tickets will be 1 and sales will continue . until .September 30. with the time limit . General Agent Neslen said Wednesday afternoon that with the rate granted and tho advertising now being done by the ' Burlington In the east u would moan that tho Burlington would carry pas- sengers for Salt City and Utah during the coming summer in great n,um -bo- r. FREEMAN FOR PRESIDENT. Prominent Railroad Man Slated for Chief of Missouri Pacltlc. According to a rumor current in local railroad circles Wednesday afturnoon, 'Ihomas J. Freeman Is slated for the presidency of tho : ssourl Pacific. At i ho present time Mr. Freeman Is the re- ceiver of the International & Great Northern, one of the branch lines of the Gould svstem. The corporntlvn officers of J his road are George J. Gould, presi- dent; Frank J. Gould, first vice presi- dent; Thomas J. Freeman, second vice president; A. R. Howard, secretary and treasurer; F. B . Hanson, assistant secre- tary and assistant treasurer. While local railroad men refuse to the source of their Information, there Is a feeling that Mr. Freeman Is the man who will bo selectod for the presidency of the Missouri Pacific. It Is I asserted that nt the time Freeman was appointed receiver for the International & Great Northern that road was in n far worse physical condition than Is the Missouri Pacific at the present time. , and that through his efficient manage-- 1 ment as receiver it has boen brought up to a high point of railroad effi- ciency. It is understood locally that If Mr. Freeman Is named and accepts the posi- tion as president of the Missouri Pa- cific It will be Willi the distinct und or-Hl an dl- that ho Is lo havo a free hand and plenty of money to put that road Into firsl-cln- condition. One local railroad man said Wednesday afternoon: " The trouble with tho Missouri Pacific has boen that during the last few years It has' been allowed to 'disintegrate.' as the geologist would say. With a man- - llko Froeamn at the head of the system, with a free hand and plenty of 'money, 11 would bo but a short lime before the system country." became one of tho best In the IS RECOVERING. Car Conductor After Illness. news to tho many of ".Tack" Tycctt. ono dining car of tho Denver & Rio that he Is on the way an attack of Illness him to a Denver hospital woekB. Mr. Lycott dlnlnc; car conductors In ILYCETTspeeinl train operated over two years ago which of the legislature official to Wendovor. He of the dining car officials and .the council mrle a trin to October. 1.109, On those nvd1 a host of friends. of the dining car social which was Wc.torn Pnclfic from lait Aucust and with a diamond pin by the FAST REPAIR DAMAGE. Through Traffic on Salt Lake Route Expected by Sunday, Through traffic between Salt L,nko City and Los Angeles over the Suit Lake Route will be resumed early next week. possibly on Sunday. Thin was the in- formation received by local officers of the. road late Wednesday afternoon. Tho lme between this city and Callento was open for traffic Tuesday night, and every available man and team has been put at work In tho Meadow Valley wash. It is now known that the damapo done to the track In that section was not as serious as at first reported, and with the larc force of men at work It Is believed that the track will bo rendy for the operation of trains Ijy the first of next week. REST ANu HEALTH TO MOTHER AHO CHILD. Airs Winslow' Soothing Sv- -r hae been used icr over SiXTY i'EAUS by VLJ.IONB of y.OTH&KS c: their CHILDREN WHILE TKKTttlNii vitii .WJKFKC1 SUCCESS I SOOZ -il K- th CHILD, SOFTENS the GXM9L ALUA'ta'-VAI - lS CUKHS WIND CCL1C and m ths Desi riineav lor zlIAKRHQSA. Ii is ab- solutely rsrntless. Be sure and aslc tor 'Mrs. WInslow c Scothiug Syrup, and lake no other tac 1'wentvhve cent a Dottle Your Savings 1 should bo made to, bring in $ the greatest income consistent v with safety, Tn no other form i of investment ore these 03- - ftcntinl qualities no apparent us a in first mortgages on choice real estate yielding $ am Net I JO Guaranteed U Ti.h double security ourgunr- - S nntee and the mortgage itself. 1 f'j11 ,0r Write for ful1 par" 4 per cent paid on Sav-- I ing-- Accounts. I Salt Lake Security & Trust Co, j. 32 UP. MAIN ST. jy Capital 8300,000 .00 W Surplus $100,000 .00 A. I ' Jt&ri-t - i ':- - ' f " Wise foresight should "5 M lead you to keep in the a

(m cupboard a half dozen or v .U D more handy packages of

i i Uneeda Biscuit m They won't get broken, musty, sffi ' , w) S01 or sggy le ordinary tg y m soda crackers because their '

g crisp, clean fres ' v ) HfP NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Notice liecngmzed authorities stiy vou are incurnblo if you have had kidnoy trouble" (inflammation of tho Iddnoys) over six months. (U. S. deaths now nearly 90,000 a year.) Call for free diet list and pamphlet that mnv prolong or save your life. SCHEAMM-JOH- EON'S DHUQ STOEES. This Will Interest Mothers. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil- dren, a Certain relief for Fcvcrlshness. Hendnche. Llad Stomach. Teething Dis- orders, move and regulate the Bowels and destroy1 Worms. Thoy break up Colds in 21 hours. They are ho pleasant to tho taste Children like thom. Over 10,000 testimonials. Used by Mothers for 22 years. They never fall. Sold by all Druggists. 25c. Samplo mailed FRI2I0. AtldreuK Allr-- S. OJniaUiiitL.Le.RQy. JJ. Y. i WANTED: 50 MEN AND WOMEN To Take Advantage of Special Offor Mado by Schramm-Johnson- , Drugs. Schnimni-. - DniS, tho ont or-pr is ii i- druggists, are advertising to- day for fifty men and women to take advantage of the special half prico offer they arc making on Dr. Howard's, cele- brated specific for the cure of consti- pation and dyspepsia and ot a 50 cent package at. half price, 25 cents. fin positive nro thoy of the remark- able power of this specific to cure these diseases as well as sick headaches and liver troubles, that they agree to re- fund the money to any customer whom tho medicine docs not quickly relieve and cure. With Dr. Howard's specific nt hand. I 'you can eat what you want and havo no ' fear of ill consequences. Tr, strengthens i the stomach, gives perfect digestion.; jregulatcs the bowels, creates an appc-tit- and makes life worth the living, j If. you cannot call at Scliranim-.Tohn-- 1 son, Drugs, store today send them ,25! cents by mail and they will send you a package promptly, charges paid. i Schrainin-Johnson,- .. Drugs, have Jjoon , able lo secure only a limited supply of the specific, so great ia the demand, and' you should not delay talcing advantage, of this liberal offer thoy arc making i I this week. '7fir EASY TO ACQuIiTIfl Y0lflnFULCMffual "It is 'no easy 1.0 npiiniZBfJl rosy, youthful compgli? 'jflf woman need dospnir " Mao MaHyn, i, tSpKl JS'ow York Chronicle. ffVMr so, ono must not niSHi1 it enters the PoreflenlaWfi causing dull, sallow, ZWME ions and nvcntnally wrinkfe, . "Much hotter than fj K is an inexpensive lotion' inaStBf solving four ounces half pint hot water, tB?S,E tcaspoontnls glycerine. Tin mSS a wonderful skin beauttfic .SMBS npphed .to a muddy, WiPRi complexion will Kofton andT'BP'-- the skin, and remove thil rough or aged look. .V? "This lotion docs not rnb ofHSf lilC powder and it londs to iwSK charming tone of youthful frflS$ without giving that 'painted dcred look." rBj Lace :p Curtains One of the meanest jojBr housecleaning is washfel drying and ironing lacBr A call to 102 will lE our wagons. We'll lauM those curtains better 'K you could do it yourKlfWfr charge you but a trifle. HP? Troy Laundfl The Laundry of Qualitj.w iin-i- l CLOTHES I of the "perfect man type." (HaSHS haberdashing is our business. Hnji THE SMART SH0P(M 55 So. Main. ,Hn Oompleto Pressors of Meafe COLONIAM TONIGHT. POP, MAT . SATHV' last year's greatest comedy atWMB" A Gentleman w from Mississin with Robert A. Fischer a&d -f- Evenins prices, 25c to tiH Mat., 25c to $1. VK" Ono Night Only, jH SUNDAY, MARCH Qlc Qlscg ADVANCED VAUDEVIL1.H Matinee dally (Including fiimB Lillian Burkhart & Cc'B Tho Five CyclinK Auroras.fc The Victoria Four. Eckert aotljH: Boranl and Nevaro. VB Kennedy. Do Milt and nn80 Orphoum Motion Plcture'fB Matinee PJr,ccs5c, - :,75!- R Iliberw Tlae Motion picts Palace m 162 STATE STREET. 'H 5nflS:drcn, SCm ITiBI SHUBERT THEM WEEK BEGINNING SAT,, JJH Dorl Wilson. LlllUn AfH S. Edward Jack Curtis, Forrest, Ben Bard. "SjfgljjK fla,nr?8 fn &B. S.f Tfee Hen Peck ft mM Every night nt q'IH Matinees Sunday, WJjH Saturday. 10 eta. " i FREIGHT TRAINS ON TIME. Western Pacific Rapidly Recovers From Effect of Floods. Freight trains on tho Western Pacific between this city and San Francisco are now running nearly on schedule time. Passenger service will be resumed Fri- day or Saturdav of this wek, according to tho Information received In this city Wednesday. It is the ..Intention of the company to have the track through the Feather River canyon in perfect condi- tion before passenger service Is resumed. While no official announcement has yet been made, it Is known that .lt Is the In- tention of the Western Pacific to reduce the running time of trains between this city and San Francisco at an early date. Baus VisitR Salt Lake. E. G, Bans, assistant superintendent of the dining car and eating house serv- ice of the Denver & Rio Grande, was in this city Wednesday afternoon on a short business trip. Larger Depot for Murray. The Murray Commercial club will hold a conference Friday with officials of tho Oregon Short Line railroad with a view to urging thn construction of a larger de- pot than was contemplated before the old one was destroyed b" flro last week. i COLORADO RIVER FLOOD CAUSES GREAT DAMAGE Work on Levee Below Yuma, Ariz., I Stopped; Imperial Valley In Danger. YUMA. Ariz.. March IB. The flood wa- ter of the Colorado river reached the United States leveo work below Yuma Monday night and created great havoc, carrying away sixty feet of piling, a big pile driver, a steel dump car and caus- ing the Iosb of the llfp of one laborer, who wont down with '.he wreckage. So serious Is the damage that It In doubtful If Colonel Ockerson. the gov- ernment engineer In charge of the work, will be able to make any further head- way towurd closing thn break before the regular summer rise of the river comes, Tho work Is being done under au- thorization of congress, which appro- priated SI, 000.000 to build leveos and dams below Yuma for the protection of the Imperial valley In California, which Is helow sea level. Unless this break Is closed within two months tho river will pour Its Hood waters Into the valley. catiBlng great damage. 1 WEATHER FORECAST FOR THURSDAY Weather forecast for Salt Lake City: Generally fair Trmrsday and probably Friday. I 8. Department of Agriculture. V WEATHER BUREAU. Jfe&W5 s-- Willis l moore. chief. - o fOtiwrTBtlonotukqantbP. in., KrvontT.flflh mortdlnn tlm&. k. y brl So . htsfrICO loonAno, or continuous Unoj, paw tbrouali polnta of equal air j - Q - . O'S'" Srotjuro. . "A r"1 " .'J- - . , l80TnrnM8, or dottod linen, nous through points of oqubI torn.' ( r f porolure; thoy will bo drown only for ioro,fronilnB,W, undid3, v,l. . -- r ) Stmdols Indicate etnto of Trcathor: Q clear; (5 portly I:J'j ',1f .' i.. ' Olpudyi oloudy; (B)roln; enows roport mlwiinc. j V V' . Arrows Oy with tho wind. FlmMluuro, maximum toupprntura ( . i , ,. lor part 12 hour; iocond,2Miour rnlDfnll, If it onunlo .01 Inchi - i ' li'.nl. Ind velocity of It) mllcn per hour or more. I ' '- ' . JI Comparative weather data at Salt Lake City, March 15, 1011: The highest tomperature today was 56 aegrcoH; the highest In this month since 187-- waa 77 degrees. The lowest tem- perature iost night was 34 degrees; the lowest this month ulnce 1874 was zero. The mean temperature for today was 10 degrees, the normal was 41 degrcoM. The accumulated excess of temperature since the first of the month Is 113 degrees;. the accumulated excess since January 1 Is 202 degrees. Tho relative humidity at 6 u. m . today was 55 per cent; the relative humidity at C n. in. today was 50 per cent. The total precipitation for the twenty-fou- r hours ending at C p. m. was none. The total for this month to dale Is 1,20 Inches; the accumulated excess for this month to'dato Is .36 Inch; the total pre- cipitation since .Tnnuarv 1 to date Is 1. 41 Inches; the accumulated excess since Jan- uary 1 Is .75 Inch. Sun rises nt a. m.; sun sets nt p. rn March 10. '" WE ATHER OBS ERV ATIONS . Temperature. 5 t - gasi STATIONS. wis 5- - 3

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.to I SALT LAKE.. 52 l56'31 121 .00 Boise CO "I G0( 34 4 .00 Chicago 143624124241T Denver 58 05S30 4 .00 Dcs Moines .. 2432 2G 1C .00 Dululh ' 12 14 6 Durango .... 5R '4 GO 21 4 .00 Grand Juncfn 58 0C231 S .00 Helena 52 256.20 I .00 Huron 21 12 22 4 .00. Jacksonville GG G 72 58 8 .00 KansasCity.3032363412 .00 Lander 54 05826 4 ..00 Modena 56 4 58 24 4 .00 New Orleans . 6S 07258 6 .04 New York .... 40 0543442.50 Oklahoma .... 4$ 14 56 44 12 .00 Phoenix .... 80 '28011 6 .00 Portland. Or.. 66 2684 4 .00 San Diego 76"47658 I .00 St. Louis 2628363012.00 St. Paul 1614 16i 2 16 .00 San Kranelsco 6C 470!52 4 .00 Spokane .... GO 26032 4 .00 Washington ..36 0 6(l 34 24 .20 Winnipeg ... 0 101 8 4 .00 Indicates rise In temperature. indicates a fall in temperature. T InrilmtPS- trace, nf BEfiduitailon. t TREASURY NOT IN NEED OF MONEY IMMEDIATELY Secretary MncVeagh Says Corporation Tax Decision Will Delay Issue of Bonds. . BOSTON. March lii. Secretary of Ihe Treasury MncVeagh spent a few hours at tho custom house In consultation with Collector Edwin U. Curtis. Speaking of the flnnnces of the gov- ernment and tho new Panama canal loan, Secretary MacVcagh Hald. "Although It has been a general Im- pression that a block of new a per cent bonds would be Issued Immediately after the adjustment o? the corporation tax, we are in no immediate use of funds. In fact, whllo I am having plates engraved for the bonds, neither the amount nor tho time of the Issue has been decided upon. The first Issue, however, will probably not be more than S50.000.000 . ' "The decision of the .cnruoratlon k. litigation in favor of the government has changed the complexion of tho govern- ment finances for the moment. This de- cision involved a matter of 552.000,000. to tho treasury. Of this amount 527.000,000 represents the amount collected last yoar. Wo estimate the Income from the tax this year at $25, 000,000, so that with the 552,000.000 remaining In the treasury, .tho Immediate necessity of a bond issuo is precluded. " Tho treasury will close tho current fiscal year on June 30 with a total lt of about S30.000 ,00." Expected Work on Utah & Grand Canyon Will Soon Begin. RIGHTS OF WAY MATTERS . PRESENT NO DIFFICULTY Inhabitants of Southern Utah Enthusiastic About Pros- pect of Line. That operations In the way of grading on the Utah & Grand Canyon railroad are about to begin Is tho word that comes from Cedar City. A letter under date of March 2 to the Cedar City Com- mercial club from H. L . Weber, chief engineer, leaves 111 tie doubt, about the beginning of tho work this month. The letter says: "Los Angolen. Cnl.. March 2. "Mr. J. II. Arthur. Ccdnr City. ,ta Mv Dear Mr. Arthur I would Ike to commence grading about March lo. and will want to begin at or near Iron Springs, until I can get organized. How many men and teams, and nt what rate per day. can be secured In your country, by March 15, to work on the grade near Iron Springs-- , men to board themselves, teamsters (that Is. tho men who go with the teams) to feed and care for their own teams? Can scrapor. frosnos and plows bo had In your country for these teams to work with? How much right of way can I get upon? Let me have all the Information you can by mall. Get the Inlegram answer to me as quick as you can." Rights of Way. Commenting on the letter and the probability of the extension of the road this spring, tho Iron County Record of last week has this to say: "The foregoing Is a copy of a latter received the first of this week by Mr. Arthur, the former secretary of the Cedar Cltv Commercial club, from Chief Engi- neer Weber of the Utah & Grand Can- yon Railroad company "In line with the above, the Commer- cial club has received recent communi- cations from Mr- Dudley, the promoter of the road, urging that tho rights of wav guaranteed by the club be secured at the earliest possible date, and the deeds be placed In escrow pending the completion of tho road, when they are to bo turned over to the railroad com- pany and not until then. "Also, with a view to hastening this work. Mr. Huntzsuckcr. In the employ of the railroad company, has been among us the past week, and states that nctual work will he commenced on tho grado Just as soon as the rights of way can be secured. "At the meeting of the Commercial club held Saturday night, a committee, consisting of S. A. Hlgbee. C . S . Wilkin- son and S. J. Foster, together with President U. T . Jones of the club, was selected to attend to the work of pro- curing the deeds for a right of way through land over which the surveyed road will pass. On Monday the abovo, committeemen visited Kanarravllle and held a meeting for the purpose of ascer- taining tho feojlngs of the people of that place In relation to granting free right or way for tho road Most of the people of that place are said to ho enthusiastic over the matter and anxious to do all that they can to encourage the building of the railroad. They have agreed to take care of whatever expense Is In- curred In the providing of free right of way for the road in their locality. Prospect Ib Encouraging. "Taking everything Into consideration, the prospects certainly look most encour- aging for tho building of the road (he1 present season, though wn still have 'Doubting Thomases' who pooh-p oo- h the Idea. "The fact, however, that the promoters havo obtained large and valuable conces- sions on coal lands, timber and other re- sources which under the terms of the contracts entered Into will revert back to the grantors unless actual work on the road Is under way before May 1 and the road completed within two years, makes it look most favorable for the building of the road. It does not look reasonable nor profitable that at this time, when the time limit has so nearly expired, the company would be out here trying to get deeds to the right of way. which can pass Into Its hands only after the road Is completed. If they did not menn busi- ness, or hadn't the financial backing to put the road through. "At any rate, there Is not long to wait, andItIsnowuptoallthoIdle menand teams to make application for work on the new grade, which from the foregoing letter is to commence at or near Iron Springs. "Everybody get in and boost for the railroad. " INDICTED GRAND JUROR GIVEN CHANCE TO "SKIP" DANVILLE. III. March 15. Gus W. Flick, a member of the Vermillion coun- ty grand Jury, who was Indicted yester- day for tho Illegal selling of liquor, has not been arrested and Deputy Sheriff Shepard said today that ho had been told to give Flick an opportunity to "skip.' -- ' Subpoenas have been served for their appearance on April 18. the day after the spring olectlon, on Mayor Piatt. Will C. Lewman. Norman C Mayer and Will C. Brown, the Indicted election commis- sioner. Dry Farming in Australia. ADELAIDE, Australia. March 15. The dry farming congress meeting here has decided to adopt tho system followed In Wyoming which soveml Australian ex- perts recently Investigated. Tho results of the experiment will be tabulated for purposes of comparison.