Page:The Salticidae (Spiders) of Panama.djvu/38

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36 bulletin: museum of comparative zoology

moderately stout; neither carapace nor abdomen deeply constricted (Peckhamia, Uluella) Peckhamia group, (p. 414) 10. Not with combination of characters given above 11 11. Retromargin of fang groove usually with a single simple tooth, but some- times with a fissidentate tooth; abdomen ovoid with not more than a slight constriction; carapace narrow and much rounded dorsally behind PLE or much shorter and broader behind PLE (Chirothecia, Descanso, Donatinus, Sebastira, Zuniga) Zuniga group, (p. 425) 11. Retromargin of fang groove with two or more small teeth (Paradamoetas has only one); abdomen either ovoid with not more than a shallow constriction, or elongated with a deep constriction; carapace either relatively short with little constriction, or long and narrow with deep constriction (Erica, Fluda, Myrmarachne, Paradamoetas, Parafluda, Sarinda, Simonella) Sarinda group, (p. 453)

MARPISSA GROUP Key to the genera of the Marpixsa Group 1. Generally very hairy; with clusters of long curved black bristles beneath and behind PME; anterior row of eyes wider than posterior row which occupy about three fifths of width of the very broad carapace; total eye space occupies much less than one half the length of carapace; leg spines numerous, long Marpissa, (p. 44) 1 . Not with combination of characters given above 2 2. Moderately hairy; with long curved black bristles in ocular area, not in clusters; anterior row of eyes about as wide as posterior row which oc- cupy about five sixths of width of carapace which is not much broadened and has nearly parallel sides; total eye space occupies a Little more than two fifths of length of carapace; leg spines somewhat reduced Menemerus, (p. 48) 2. Not with combination of characters given above 3 3. Not notably hairy, often with little hair on carapace; long black bristles in ocular area not especially prominent; anterior row of eyes as wide as posterior row which occupy about three fourths of width of carapace which is not much broadened and is gently rounded laterally; total eye space occupies from two fifths to about one half the length of carapace; leg spines definitely reduced in size and number, often only cusps Breda, (p. 37) 3. Almost devoid of hair; without long curved black bristles in ocular area; posterior row of eyes slightly wider than anterior row; PLE occupy nearly full width of carapace which is considerably broadened and gently rounded laterally; total eye space occupies about one half the length of carapace; leg spines moderately reduced in number and size . . Parhelia, (p. 48)