Page:The Salticidae (Spiders) of Panama.djvu/414

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Spines. First leg: femur dorsal 0-1-1-1, prolateral only distal 1; patella only prolateral 0-1-0; tibia only ventral 2-2-2, the first promarginal about one fourth from base, not well matched in pairs; metatarsus only ventral 2-2. Second leg: femur only dorsal 0-1-1-1; patella 0; tibia only ventral 0-1r-0; metatarsus as in first. Third leg: femur only dorsal distal 1; patella and tibia 0; metatarsus only retrolateral 0-1. Fourth leg: femur dorsal 0-1-1-1; patella 0; tibia only ventral 0-0-2; metatarsus prolateral 0-1, retrolateral 0-1, ventral 0-2. Palpal spines: apparently only femur dorsal distal 1.

Palp. Femur moderately bent ventrally; patella and tibia both short, with latter only a little more than half as long as former; tibial apophysis a long slender spine, gently sinuous, reaching almost to division of bulb; bulb only moderately swollen, does not overlap tibia, divided into a white anterior smaller lobule and a larger reddish brown posterior lobule; embolus arises near anterior end as a long slender filament (Figs. 370–371).

Abdomen. Rather small; ovoid, longer than wide in ratio of 11 : 7, widest near middle; with a moderately well developed dorsal shield covering practically entire dorsum; anal tubercle of moderate size; six spinnerets small, closely crowded, with anterior pair stoutest, approximated; position of colulus indicated by a tuft of black hairs; tracheal spiracle with distinct lip near base of spinnerets but no tubercle.

Color in alcohol. Carapace: almost uniformly mahogany reddish brown with a few white lanceolate hairs and slight iridescence. Chelicerae reddish brown, streaked with dark brown; maxillae and lip nearly the same with yellowish white tips. Sternum brown. Legs: first legs with coxae and trochanters brown, femora reddish brown. Patellae and tibiae yellowish white, metatarsi reddish brown, tarsi brown; second and third legs unicolorous yellowish white; fourth legs with coxae, trochanters and proximal ends of dorsal surfaces of femora yellowish white, remainder of femora reddish brown, patellae reddish brown at base but elsewhere yellowish white, tibiae yellowish white with lateral reddish brown stripes; metatarsi and tarsi brownish. Abdomen: dorsal shield reddish brown; lateral sides dark brown with a narrow oblique white bar near posterior end; venter dark brown bordered by a row of yellowish dots on each side.

Female allotype. Total length 3.71 mm. Carapace 1.66 mm. long (considerably overlapped by abdomen), 1.41 mm. wide, .96 mm. tall and, therefore, about .68 as tall as wide; other features essentially as in male.