Page:The Science of Religion (1925).djvu/112

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on love, some on reason or thought, some on meditation. But their motives have been the same.

They all meant that body should be transcended by the control and turning back of the life-force inward, and that the “Self” should be realized as the image of the sun in a calm, unruffled water. Their purpose is the inculcation of just that which the fourth method teaches directly, without the help of any intermediary.

At the same time it should be noted that the practice of this method does not prevent the cultivation of the intellect, the building up of the physique, and the activity of a social and useful life,—a life of the best feelings and motives, devoted to philanthropic works. As a matter of fact, all-sided training should be prescribed for all. It positively helps rather than retards the practice of the method; the only thing required is that its point of view be