Page:The Scientific Monthly vol. 3.djvu/420

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��Rafhakl Meldoli.

9 oatiies of ;oung men of prom- ' and tha earlier death of Professor ise in the i^cientifie rareer who die on Raphael Meldola, England has lost t^o the battlefield and in the h)spital will chemists of world-wide reputation and leave fewer men of eminence in the next of striking perfonalitj. There are not generaCion. Tha equal saeriflee?, we many contemporarj men of Ecieoce ho venture to saj equally wanton sacri- well hnawn aa ItamEay. Ilia earlier re- fiees, in Germany, in Franoe. in Russia searches on organic chemistry, on the and in Italy, plaoe great responaibilit; molei^ular weights of liquids and on on us in America to provide in the vapor density and pressure are known eoming years the research work which | to chemists, but it was the discovery, in is eFfential to the welfare and the 1 conjunction with Lord Rayleigh, of progress of the world. We should be argon, announced at tha Oxford meet- warned not only to save our young men ing of the British Association in 1894, of ability from futile death, but also to whioh first attracted universal attention. give them the opportunity to do the However honors should be divided in work for which they are fit, the case of argon, Ramsay proceeded

In the death of Sir ■William RamJay himFelf to tha discovery in

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