Page:The Scientific Monthly vol. 3.djvu/621

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TBE UNITED STATES COAST AND great work accompliBbed by the survey

GEODETIC SUSFET AND ITS since its foundation in 1816. The pro-

EABLT SUPEEINTEND^ gram consisted of three public sessions

ENTS and a dinner. The former were held

Thk centenary of the organization of '° ^•'« auditorium of the New National

the United States Coast and Geodetic Mus*"'", where fifteen addresses were

Survey nas fittingly celebrated in Bi^en on the different phases of the

Washington Inst spring and the pro- survey's activities and on the relation

ceedings have now been issued in a of its work to other scientific bureaua

volnme which forms an interesting ' of the government.

memorial of the celebration and of the The superintendent of the survey, Mr.

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