Page:The Scientific Monthly vol. 3.djvu/627

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Animal-Breeding Industry, Raymond Pearl, 23

American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, New York meet- ing, 619

Animals and Man, The Belation of Heredity to Cancer in, C. C. Littlb, 196

Ape Man, The Environment of the, Edwabd W. Beb&t, 161

Arps, Geoboe F., a Neglected Factor in the Question of National Security, 498

Babeb, Zonia, The Oceans: Our Future Pastures, 258

BxRBY, Edward W., The Environment of the Ape Man, 161

Biology^ Philosophical, The Place of Description, Definition and Classifica- tion in, Wm. E. Bitter, 455

Birds, Insect Migrations as related to those of, Howard J. Shannon, 227

Black Death and its Lessons for To- day, T. D. A. COCKERELL, 81

Boas, Franz, The Development of Folktales and Myths, 335; Eugenics, 471

Botany, Thomas Jefferson in relation to, BoDNEY H. True, 345

Campbell, W. W., What we know

about Comets, 521 Canal, Panama, Who pays for itf, C.

E. Grunsky, 94 Cancer, The Belation of Heredity to,

in Man and Animals, C. G. Little,

196; The Scientific Investigation of,

Leo Loeb, 209 Carlton, Frank T., Essentials in the

Study of Labor Organizations, 155 Changing Conditions in the Kentucky

Mountains, B. H. Sohockel, 105 Chemistry, Substances without, John

Waddell, 241. Chittenden, H. M., Besources in Men,

87 Cinchona as a Tropical Station for

American BotaniFts, 205 Classification, Description and Defini- tion, The Place of, in Philosophical

Biology, Wm. E. Bitter, 465 Coast and Geodetic Survey and its

Early Superintendents, 615 Cockerell, T. D. a.. The Black Death

and its Lessons for To-day, 81 College Department of Education, can

��it become Scientific f, Joseph K.

Hart, 377 Columbus, Christopher, a Rshing Tale

of. The Beversus, C. B. Eastman,

31 Comets, What we know about them, W.

W. Campbell, 521 Committee of One Hundred, 99 Conservation of the Native Fauna,

Walter P. Taylor, 399 Continuity, Historical, of Science, T.


CoPELAND, Edwin Bingham, War

Selection in the Philippines, 151 Craters, Explosion, N. H. Darton, 417 Crop Production, The Belation of Malaria to, D. L. Van Dine, 431

Darton, N. H., Explosion Craters, 417

Death, The Black, and its Lessons for To-day, T. D. A. Cookerell, 81

Definition, Classification and Descrip- tion, The Place of, in Philosophical Biology, Wm. E. Bitter, 455

Denton, Minna C, The Desire for Food in Man, 557

Desert, The Variable, J. Arthur Harris, 41

Development of Folk-tales and Myths, Franz Boas, 335

Duty to the Future, C. E. Vail, 585

Earth, The Origin and Evolution of Life upon the, Henrt Fairfield OSBORN, 5, 170, 289, 313, 512, 601

Eastman, C. B., The Beversus, a Fish- ing TiUe of Christopher Columbus, 31

Education, Can a College Department of, become Scientific?, Joseph K. Hart, 377

Engineering Experiment Stations in the Land Grant Colleges, 98

Environment of the Ape Man, Edward W. Berry, 161

Epidemic Diseases, The Control of, and the Causes of Death, 410

Eugenics, FBanz Boas^ 471

Evolution, and Origin of Life upon the Earth, Henry Fairfield Osborn, 5, 170, 289, 313, 502, 601 ; The BOle of Service in, Hervey Woodburn Shimer, 191

Explosion Craters, N. H. Darton, 417

Exports, Is a Balance of Trade in favor of. Favorable f, Charles A. Gilchrist, 66

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