Page:The Seasons - Thomson (1791).djvu/150

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O Thou! by whose almighty Nod the scale
Of empire rises, or alternate falls,
Send forth the saving Virtues round the land,
In bright patrol: white Peace, and social Love; 1600
The tender-looking Charity, intent
On gentle deeds, and shedding tears thro' smiles;
Undaunted Truth and Dignity of mind;
Courage compos'd, and keen; found Temperance,
Healthful in heart and look; clear Chastity, 1605
With blushes reddening as she moves along,
Disordered at the deep regard she draws;
Rough Industry; Activity untir'd,
With copious life inform'd, and all awake:
While, in the radiant front, superior shines 1610
That first paternal virtue, Public Zeal;
Who throws o'er all an equal wide survey.
And, ever musing on the common weal,
Still labours glorious with some great design.

Low walks the sun, and broadens by degrees, 1615
Just o'er the verge of day. The shifting clouds
Assembled gay, a richly-gorgeous train,
In all their pomp attend his setting throne.
Air, earth, and ocean smile immense. And now,
As if his weary chariot fought the bowers 1620
Of Amphitrite, and her tending Nymphs,
(So Grecian fable sung) he dips is Orb;
Now half-immers'd; and now a golden curve
Gives one bright glance, then total disappears.

For ever running, an enchanted round, 1725
Passes the day, deceitful, vain, and void;
As fleets the vision o'er the formful brain,
This moment hurrying wild th' impassion'd soul,
