Page:The Seasons - Thomson (1791).djvu/86

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Alighted, bolder up again they lead,
Farther and farther on, the lenghtning flight;
Till vanish'd every fear, and every power
Rouz'd into life and action, light in air
Th' acquitted parents see their soaring race, 750
And once rejoicing never know them more.

High from the summit of a craggy cliff,
Hung o'er the deep, such as amazing frowns
On utmost: [1]Kilda's shore, whose lonely race
Resign the setting sun to Indian worlds, 755
The royal eagle draws his vigorous young,
Strong-pounc'd, and ardent with paternal fire.
Now fit to raise a kingdom of their own,
He drives them from his fort, the towering seat,
For ages, of his empire; which, in peace, 760
Unstain'd he holds, while many a league to sea
He wings his course, and preys in distant isles.

Should I my steps turn to the rural seat,
Whose lofty elms, and venerable oaks,
Invite the rook, who high amid the boughs 765
In early Spring, his airy city builds,
And ceaseless caws amusive; there, well-pleas'd,
I might the various polity survey
Of the mix'd houshold-kind. The careful hen
Calls all her chirping family around, 770
Fed, and defended by the fearless cock;
Whose breast with ardour flames, as on he walks
Graceful, and crows defiance. In the pond,
The finely-checker'd duck, before her train,
Rows garrulous. The stately-sailing swan 10
Gives out his snowy plumage to the gale;
And, arching proud his neck, with oary feet


  1. The farthest of the western Islands of Scotland.