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dence in her conversation, and perhaps a shade less of rashness in her opinions, but he would have been extremely sorry had she attended to his recommendations. He liked her as she was, frank and open, and a perfect contrast to himself. He was touched by her note, by her sensitiveness to his blame or praise, and by her perception of the dignified manner in which he had shewn his disapprobation of the slightest levity, and he arrived at Pleasance the following morning in a high state of paternal affection and affability. He shook hands warmly with Colonel Hilton, embraced Aileen, though not without some misgivings as to the propriety of the act, and presented her with a magnificent bracelet; whereupon she returned his embrace, and thereby relieved him of his scruples.

The rest of his visit was passed in petting and admiring his daughter, and having placed in her hand a gorgeous looking porte-monnaie, he ventured to say, "that though it was hardly decorous he should allude to certain