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"Mr. Bolland, my solicitor," she said carelessly, "but have you secured the Hopkinsons, Aunt Rebecca?"

"Of course, but what is this new fancy about a solicitor?"

"Just what you call it, a new fancy. I found, on looking on my fortune, that it was unpleasantly large, and that it would give me a world of trouble if I undertook to manage it myself, so I have put it into Mr. Bolland's hands."

"I am sure your uncle would have been glad to save you all trouble about it," said the Baroness in a faltering voice.

"I am sure of it, too," answered Rachel firmly. She looked at her Aunt, whose extreme paleness seemed to touch her, for she added more gently, "My uncle has so much business on his hands, I do not wish to trouble him with mine, and money matters are always better transacted with strangers. Besides," she added, trying to laugh, "there is something grand in the sound of a man of business—heiresses always talk of their man of