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my way, and I should be quite in your way; John and the girls may go, if they like."

"They have no option about it, and you had better not oblige me to come with two policemen and march you in to dinner too, I am quite capable of it. Now, John," and he hurried him off.

"Well, if ever there was a ridiculous, nonsensical dear boy, there he goes," said Mrs. Hopkinson, in a pleased soliloquy.

"Lord Chester, I believe?" said the Baroness, in a most subdued tone, "not ill? looking by any means. Adieu, my dear Mrs. Hopkinson, nous nous reverrons on the 23rd."

"Good bye," said Rachel, who lingered for a moment behind, "I see you do not mean to come, and you are right; but may I come again to see your daughters?"

"Of course, my dear, whenever you like."

"And—and—can you tell Captain Hopkinson—"

"Rachel, your aunt is waiting," said the Baron, from the bottom of the stairs.

"Tell him," she added hurriedly, "not