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"Ah," said the Baroness, "what suits the Chesters, would, of course, have suited me; but, I fear, there is no chance of their giving it up. My friend Madame Steinbaum writes from Berlin—"

"Aileen," said Blanche colouring and looking annoyed, "we really must go, we are detaining Mrs. Hopkinson; and I have not made my petition. My sister goes to town to-morrow for a concert. Will you let little Charlie come and pay me a visit?"

"Me will come," said Charlie, "me like you very much—me not like that black man," he added in a whisper, and with a look at Baron Moses.

"Well, then, that is settled. Good bye, Mrs. Hopkinson," she said cordially to that lady, who followed her to the door, her face the colour of the coquelicot ribbon in her cap, and herself distracted by the grandeur and impertinence of the Baroness, which imposed upon her and shocked her. With a slight haughty bow to the Sampsons, Blanche departed.

"Then we will be off," said the Baroness